Thank you
Thank you for your insight
Thank you for the comforting lyrics
That eases my soul like sitting in a love seat
And with a journey that drags the bad
And lets it hang
Reminding you of every time you felt uplifted
I wanna say thank you
Because without you
I couldn’t see through my own eyes
That the way he works is not through the physical
Or even the word of mouth
But through the song
That you let flow from your soul
So when the beat
And the claps of other broken down folk
Slither through the Cathedral
I remember you
Remember each note you looped on the string
I remember how you help them with song
I remember how he stood in that room with you
Saving you and Saving them
So now he saves me
With soft tears dripping down my cheek
I scream “Mary, Don’t You Weap”
And whisper “Martha, Don’t You Moan”
Because only you
And him
Can now understand my connection
To the song
I write this now
Not to send
But for you to see
This is a letter
A letter to you
A letter for God
A letter for me.