Rules for Writing (For Art, please scroll down)
- Your work must be 100% original.
- No more than 1000 words (poetry = no more than 25 lines)
- Please refrain from graphic violence, sexual situations, and unwarranted profanity (please email Ms. Mustafah if you have questions about your content before submitting).
- Absolutely no…
- Racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, and other marginalizing language or content.
- Please include a brief statement of inspiration for your piece: How did the idea come to you? Why did you feel the need to compose this piece?
- Submission must be uploaded to EDDA Google Classroom and
- Google Doc or Word Doc are only accepted files.
- Google Classroom Code: jra37ui
- Enrollment–
- Class ID: 40079935
- Enrollment Key: 2023ArtWrite
- Cash prize in the form of a gift card will be awarded directly to the winner.
- Only 1 submission per student in writing and art category (you can submit to each category).
- Deadline for PRINT SUBMISSIONS is February 28th @ midnight; WEBSITE SUBMISSIONS accepted through April 30th @ midnight.
- Any form/structure is welcome.
- All writing formatting & guidelines:
- 12-point font, double-spaced, Times New Roman
- Your Original Title
- Please refrain from graphic violence, sexual situations, and unwarranted profanity (please email Ms. Mustafah [email protected] if you have questions about your content before submitting).
Rules for Art
- The art piece must be an original work by the student.
- Submission must be uploaded as a jpeg or png file to EDDA Submissions Google Classroom.
- Google Classroom Code: jra37ui
- Please include a brief statement of inspiration for your piece: How did the idea come to you? Why did you feel the need to compose this piece?
- Any form/structure is welcome.
- Title is required (“Untitled” is permitted).
- Please let us know what media your piece is: photography, graphic design, ink, etc.
If your submission does not follow these rules and guidelines, it will be immediately disqualified. No exceptions!
All entries will be critiqued blindly by the EDDA Board.